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What is Foxgloves?

Foxgloves is Ilia Neudecker’s consultancy. Ilia has more than 25 years’ experience in the complex, dynamic and knowledge-intensive world of environmental policy – since 2014 as independent adviser. Policy fields where she has worked successively are: waste management, agriculture, nature and soil; sustainable consumption and production/resource efficiency.

Ilia combines knowledge of the scientific foundation with experience of how policy and instruments work. As adviser to various politicians in the Brussels arena she has developed a sharp eye for administrative and political developments and a good nose for timing and positioning.

She is at her best in processes with a variety of interests, with strong urgency and an inner complexity – whereby she greatly values a solid process and good communication.

Why the name 'Foxgloves'?

Foxgloves is the English name for the Digitalis purpurea, a European plant that is at home in a variety of habitats. If I suddenly see its purple-pink flowers when out walking, it puts me in a happy and optimistic mood.

The foxglove stands for the inspiration that I get out of Nature to throw myself into my ideal: a sustainable society. Its name also contains hints of both cunning and caution, important characteristics in the world of European politics.

Ilia Neudecker
degree in social & economic history | further education in environmental sciences | policy development at national level | European negotiator | creative industries | takes you from analysis to solutions | through dialogue & collaboration | listening, connecting, creative, enterprising

Always happy to share a cup of coffee, in Leiden or elsewhere, to explore opportunities for collaboration.


Neudecker, I., Handen uit de mouwen voor een circulaire economie, Milieu nr. 6, november 2019


Making the Circular Economy Work – Guidance for Regulators launched in Rome


Making the Circular Economy Work – Guidance for regulators on enabling innovations for the circular economy (2019), mede-auteur


Van Geet, C., with Evans, N., Jones, M., Turley, L., and Neudecker, I., Using Product-Service Systems to Enhance Sustainable Public Procurement (UNEP/10YFP, 2015)

Hudson, C.W.K., Riousset, P., Neudecker, I., Impact Assessment of the International Resources Panel – intern rapport voor UNEP, 2015

Neudecker, I., Duurzaam ontwerp in de kunststofketen, Rapport voor het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu (juli 2014)